Saturday, August 11, 2012

Guilty but oh so good...

As promised in my previous basil post; I made this lemon basil chicken pasta dish w/tomatoes for dinner last night. It turned out pretty delish I would say; No heavy cream or cheese for this one. Just a light and refreshing dish (well, minus the butter) I would of liked a little shaved Parmesan on top as well, but I was being lazy =)

I think tomatoes and sweet basil flavors mesh so well together ;)

I picked up a carton of ice cream the other day, and have been eating it religiously ever since (I know it's so bad!) Caramel Pecan is my favorite! I literally have to pry myself away *sighs*

What's your guilty pleasure food?


  1. Yum! That bowl of ice cream looks so good! I can never resist ice cream either and seem to have rediscovered my love of Cornetto cones this summer x

  2. Cornetto Cones; oh my! I'll agree; those things are oh so good! =D

  3. YUM!!! These are making my mouth water haha. I have too many guilty pleasure foods to mention but tomato and sweet basil are one of my favs.

    I'm a relatively new blogger so I'm always looking for ways to improve my own site. Thanks for providing inspiration on yours!

    If you have time, would you mind checking out my blog? It would mean a lot to me because I need all the feedback I can get!

    Thanks and happy blogging!


    p.s. If you follow me, let me know and I'll return the favor :)

  4. Hi Christina, Thanks for stopping by! I stopped by your amazing blog and followed you =)

  5. My guilty pleasure is ice cream. >.< So yum!!

    xo - Sheila


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