Wednesday, November 14, 2012

DIY Fundraiser projects

I have spent the last couple weekends helping my youth girls make projects for our Fundraiser; I am so proud of them for working so hard on making all of these projects to fund their ministry so that they could serve our community, and bless others. These group of young ladies are so great and their hearts are so big; I am absolutely amazed and blessed that I work with such a wonderful group. Everything has been hand made with lots of love by these wonderful youth girls; Below are some pictures of a few things we made and are currently selling. 

Fusia bow scarf

My daughter with the yellow bow scarf

Pin cushion pots

Wrap bracelet

Bow headbands

These girls inspire and motivate me to be a better person; they teach me what it's like to serve wholeheartedly and love completely. They put so much time, effort and heart into everything they do. I am truly honored to have them in my life.

 Who makes an impact in your life?

Happy mid-week everyone! Bless someone today with a smile or an act of kindness =)


  1. Great DIY projects!! They look great. :)

    xo - Sheila

  2. What a sweet post<3 & I love moments like these & to be able to share them with others~ By the way, your daughter is beautiful<3

    Love your blog & following ^.^


    1. Hi EV, Thank you for the sweet comment and the follow =)
      Have a great weekend!


  3. Aww wonderful post! I love diy projects and yours are the way your daughter is gorgeous!

  4. Aw this is such a precious post! Love the bowties, especially on little Miss!

    Thank you for the blog visit love! Hope to see you back soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog


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