Monday, October 22, 2012

Family time at the Kiyokawa Family Orchards

Oh how lovely it was to be able to take my parents and my daughter up towards the base of Mt. Hood; a beautiful scenic drive up to the Kiyokawa Family Orchards; for a day of picking our own apples. As mentioned, the drive there was beautiful! It's an hour drive from where I live, and the drive was well worth it. We left around 3:30pm on a Sunday afternoon; it was more of a spur of the moment trip, but it has been something I've been excited to do with my daughter for awhile and just haven't had the time. Back home it was raining, but surprisingly it was so nice and sunny as we drove up further towards the base of Mt. Hood. It was a lovely drive and day spent with family =)

On our way to the Kiyokawa Family Orchard Farm!

Passing by Rooster Rock State Park

Started to get dark and sprinkle a little

About 30 minutes into the drive; my daughter asks the dreaded question on a road trip "Mooooooooom, are we there yet?!!" I said no, we just barely hit the road and we still have a little ways to go. She whines and says "But we have been on the road FOREVER! It's been like an hour already!" She eventually took a nap and by the time we got there, she was up and ready to go pick yummy apples!

She was nice and bundled up; keeping warm while running around picking apples. I loved how excited she was, she even said "This is so fun, Mom!"

Yummy Pears!
We walked further into the field and found these super sweet pears! They are the sweetest pears I have ever had. So naturally of course; we picked a bunch of these as well =)

So delicious!

Oh, and then we came across these super sweet and juicy Asian pears! My parents were like little kids in a candy store when we came across these =) They excitedly picked a bunch.

And finally the two apples I was most excited for; were these beauties! The delicious oh so juicy and sweet; Honey Crisp apple and this STUNNING golden on the outside and red flesh on the inside like a Watermelon called; Mountain Rose! 

One of my favorites; Honey Crisp!

Has now become one of my favorites; Mountain Rose!

Isn't that a beauty?! I have not seen anything like this before. I couldn't wait to get home and cut one up to show you all! Can you imagine this in a pie or a tart? Oh I'll have to try it out very soon!

 Over all, it was a day/weekend well spent with family. We had a great time at this super friendly family orchard, all the employees were super nice, the owners walk up and greet you with nice warm smiles and talk to you. A great abundance of variety apples/pears to choose from. I absolutely recommend this place if you live in the Oregon/Washington and are looking for something simple/fun to do with your family/kids. 

What's one fond memory you have as a child growing up with your family?

Have a wonderful week everyone!  


  1. Thanks for sharing these lovely shots & your gal is so adorable! My son has one of these cute hats too; we bought it from Korea.

    Stumbled upon your blog & dropping by to say "hi!". Looking fwd to sharing our life stories etc!
    Shirley's Luxury Haven

    1. Thank you Shirley Tay! Yes my daughter is so facinated with these kinds of hats :)

      Thank you for stopping by! :)

  2. What a cutie pie she is! :) Love the hat!

    Wow...I don't think I've ever eaten Mountain Rose before! It looks sooo good. XD I love how you spent your family time. I've gone cherry picking but not apple. Must! ;)

    One fond memory for me was heading out for dim sum every Saturday as a kid. I still go now but not as often.

    1. Thank you =) yum dim sum! It's amazing how the simplest things are the most fond memories we have. Thank you for sharing!

  3. What a fun trip and experience, but I know all too well about "mommmm, are we there yet" :)) Oh and your daughter is so cute with that those hats and got one for my girl too. Great pictures!

    1. Thanks Sandra! haha yes, we parents know all too well about that question with our kids =D I brace myself for it every trip =)

  4. I always remember our road trips to local beaches! Growing up in the Philippines, we were lucky to have many, many beaches to choose from - and we did so every weekend! There were many weekends of fun road trips with my family and relatives, and they were always a hoot! Loved them!

    By the way, those Asian pears are lovely - they are my fave!

    1. Beach road trips; I love that! It's also one of my favorite things to do with my daughter =)

  5. Thanks for all these fun photos! Great scenery.

  6. What delightful photos. I would love to go to an orchard to pick apples and pears too. Maybe in December when fruits come into season.

    1. Thank you, Trishie. Yes, going to the apple orchards can be ooldes of fun; I do hope you will get a chance to go =)

  7. oh wow, the photos are so beautiful!! they're so fun to look at. looks like a lovely time. :) thanks so much for sharing <3

    1. Hi Christine, thank you. We had a great time and I was happy to share our memories in pictures =)

  8. Wow the inside of the Mountain Rose is just gorgeous and it looks like you had an amazing time. We used to go apple picking in the fall when I was a kid and I look back upon those times fondly now. Hopefully your daughter will do the same :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my Blogiversary Giveaway!

    1. Hi Rowena, isn't it gorgeous?! I have not seen another apple with such beauty =)

      Those were fantastic memories, I only hope that one day my daughter will look back and reflect on these moments as well =)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Your daughter sounds adorable!! and oh my goodness, that apple looks so delicious!! Was it sweet? I've never seen that type of apple before. All the apples look so perfect too. xX

    1. Hi PinkOrchids, The Mountain Rose apple has a crisp tart/semi sweet taste to it; it's actually really good =)

  10. this looks awesome! I wanna go apple picking~ and have halloween parties~


  11. also, your daughter is so adorable~~


    1. Thank you, livlovelaugh. That sounds like a great idea; if you do so, I hope you have plenty of fun :)

    2. Thank you, livlovelaugh. That sounds like a great idea; if you do so, I hope you have plenty of fun :)

  12. aww such a nice place ! and the pictures are very nice !

    1. Thank you, Victoria. Yes it was very nice there against the back drop of Mt. Hood :)


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